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24 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Introducing the capital of Ankara 5

Ankara, Kirsehir and Kirikkale in the east, west, Eskisehir, north, Çankırı, Bolu, in the northwest and south and is surrounded by the provinces of Konya and Aksaray.
Ankara, Sakarya rivers in Central Anatolia, in the northwest of the Red River and its tributaries is an area covered plains formed. Steppe and steppe areas of rain forests in this region can be seen together.
River lengths in the rows in the spindle, willow and poplar trees, is located in the steppe. With isolated mountains rising above the plateau surrounding Ankara is the northern mountainous area of ​​forest cover due to increased rainfall begin to announce themselves.
Obvious features of climate in the south of Central Anatolian steppe climate in the north can be seen in the states of the Black Sea climate is temperate and rainy. Land climate, dominated by low winter temperatures in this region, the summer is hot.
In the heart of Central Anatolia, Ankara, capital of the State of Turkey, the newly formed government of the republic's bid to host the new position was awarded by the republic's founder Ataturk.
Hatti Civilization in Ankara and its surroundings date back to the Bronze age. The state of the second millennium before Christ, the ruler of the Hittites came to the region and turn them with the Phrygians, Lydians and Persians followed. In the third century before Christ, a Celtic race, and the Galatians made Ankara its capital.
The name of the province at the time, "Ankyra" is. Used for the first time in the capital Ankara to the Galatians. Known to have a small city with Hittite period, no trace was found of this period in this region. Respectively, after the age of the Phrygian city of Persia, Alexander the Great, lived in the Galatian periods. BC Kingdom of Galatia in the city of the Roman Emperor Augustus in 25 attributed with.
VII. and VIII. With the rise of Islam and the Arab city of Persia centuries exposed to currents change hands several times between kalmıştır.871-893. 1127'de city enters the final as the Turkish domination and the name "Engüriye" is. Yildirim Bayazid and the Battle of Ankara in 1402, Tamerlane will remain under the rule of the Mongol city a short period of time. However, for certain 1414'de into the Ottoman domination.
Chosen as a base during the war of Independence in 1920, the center of Ankara and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923 by the geographic, strategic, political, and the War of Independence will be declared the capital of the central features of the base. In those days, brought from Europe, the architects of the city of Ankara, laid the foundations for the modern day. 

Founder of the Republic of Turkey, the creator of the revolutions, military hero, the great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's Mausoleum where eternal istirahatgâhının, Rasattepe 'was built in.
Prof. Architects. Emin Onat and Assistant Professor. Orhan Arda. In 1944, the construction of the monument, completed in 1953. Assign the same year, his temporary grave in the Ethnographic Museum was transferred here with a great ceremony.
Units in the complex of the Mausoleum, Independence Tower, Freedom Tower, Lion Road, Tower Defense Law, soldier Tower, the Victory Tower, the Tower of Peace, April 23 Tower, the Tower of the National Pact, the Revolution's Tower, the Victory Reliefs, Mausoleum - Holüdür Honor.
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
Address: Hisar Cad. Ulus - Ankara
Tel: (312) 324 31 60
Fax: (312) 311 28 39
Ethnographic Museum
Address: Talatpasa Avenue Opera - Ankara
Tel: (312) 311 95 56
Ankara Atatürk House
Ankara University Faculty of Education, "Toy Museum"
Ataturk Museum Villa Forum
Beypazari Culture and History Museum
Der Training-Special Education Museum
Gordion Museum
Mehmet Akif Ersoy House
MTA Natural History Museum
METU Museum of Archaeology and
Child Protection Agency, the Museum of Turkey
TRT and the National Liberation Museum Exhibition
100. Year, the Museum of Technical Education for Girls
Gazi University Faculty of Vocational Education
TC Agricultural Bank Museum
War of Independence and Republic Museum
Address: Cumhuriyet Cad. Ulus - Ankara
Tel: (312) 311 04 73
Gordian - Polatli / Yassıhöyük: the capital of the Kingdom of Phrygia, the ruins of the famous city of Gordion, near Ankara-Eskisehir highway, Sakarya (Sangarios) and Badger rivers converge approaching the place, Polatli 21 km. northwest, 90 km from Ankara. away, Yassıhöyük village.
Gordian's BC 3000 discouraged (Bronze Age) are based on up. Assyria, the Hittites (1950 BC - BC 1180), and the Phrygian (BC 900-M.Ö.620) was the major settlement. Empire was the capital of Phrygia. Gordion's (the founder of the Phrygian capital city) was the name of the king. The famous knot tied by King Gordion, BC by Alexander the Great Spent the winter at Gordion in 333 cut off. Gordion, the period after Alexander the Great (300-100 BC) started, after the Roman period (ca. 1 - MS4. Yy.), And the Seljuk (MS11.-13. Yy .) period lasted.
Roman Bath - Ankara / Center: Ulus Square and Yildirim Bayazit Square Çankırı Street stretching, up to a height of 2.5 meters from the street is located on a platform. Where the bath is known that the high platform mound.
Hammam, Caracalla (AD 212-217), dated to the transfer. Baths of Caracalla on Çankırı Street entrance, a portico with columns, surrounded by the remains of a large area, a wrestling area that opens palaestraya. This whole side of the portico of the courtyard to one side of the 32 columns are 128 marble columns. Hammam is located just behind the buildings paleastra part. These structures are a rare size, as always, apodyterium (part of the dressing), Frigidarium (cold part), Tepidarium (warm section) and Caldarium (hot section) consists of sections. 

Gavurkale Ruins - Ankara / Haymana: 60 kilometers southwest of Ankara. Babayakup River flowing beside the base of the hill is 60 meters high, long-lasting has been the scene of a settlement. Due to the hill where the old ruined walls are Gavurkale name.
Gavurkale, south-facing side of a hill located on the steep rocks, one after the other two gods walking, sitting against them and a relief of a goddess with the walls of the huge blocks surrounding this rocky outcrop has attracted attention. Hittite rock reliefs-specific works in question are similar to those found in different parts of Anatolia not only one of the monuments.
As a result of various investigations in this area proved to be an important center surrounded by city walls. Previously only known as a place of worship of the Hittites Gavurkale 'is also important in the understanding of the Phrygian settlement, it was visited in 1930 by Ataturk himself during trials. In later years various surveys conducted around the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in 1998, headed by Gavurkale'de started the excavation work.
Darks Village Ruins - Ankara / Kazan
The Wreck of Karahöyük - Hacıtuğrul Village
Ethnographic Museum
Ogust Temple - Ankara / Altindag
Ahlatlibel: Ahlatlibel, 14 kilometers southwest of Ankara, Taspinar Village - Gavurkale-old is on the way Haymana. This station is very close to Ankara, the Anatolian Early Bronze Age settlement is an important unit of flat.
Completion: Completion of Ankara, 42 kilometers northwest of the mound. BC, from top to bottom V. century, beginning with the settlement of a classical old Bronze Age settlement of the place was thick. Wan 'Teki Early Bronze Age remains the region's eastern and western Anatolia and the documents of interest.
Etiyokuşu: 5 kilometers north of Ankara, Bar River shore. The excavation, Prof.. By Sevket Aziz Kansu in 1937 were made on behalf of the Turkish Historical Society. Types of the Old Stone Age tools were found on the bottom floor. Its culture is similar to that at the Early Bronze Age culture Ahlatlibel. At the top of various periods found in the ruins of a great palace.
Temple of Augustus: Haci Bayram Mosque in Ulus, is adjacent. BC II. century, over time, the temple was destroyed in the name of the Phrygian Goddess Men. Today, the ruins of the temple, which is the last ruler of the Galatian Amintos'un by his son King Pylamenes sign of commitment on behalf of the Roman Emperor Augustus, was built to be.

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