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24 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Introducing the capital of Ankara 1

Area: 30,715 sq km
Population: 3,236,626 (1990)
City Traffic Code: 06
Capital of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara, Central Anatolia, established a central point. This central location, throughout history, especially during the reign of the Seljuks and the Ottomans, the sale abroad of Ankara, Ankara goat feathers fabrics sof the Silk Route, and has become a trade center. 
Ankara, the national resistance led by Ataturk after the First World War and the National Liberation War with the Turks undertook a significant position kurtarılmasıyla 13 October 1923, the new halls of residence of foreign invasion, the capital of the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed.
Located at Ankara's most prominent building, the magnificent Anitkabir mausoleum built for the Great Leader Ataturk. Completed in 1953, ancient and modern architectural synthesis of Turkish architecture demonstrates the power and grace.
The oldest parts of the city's historic castle surrounds. Walls in the 12th Aladdin-century mosque by the Ottomans in hand has been migrated, although still beautiful examples of Seljuk art of wood-work and exhibitions. Many interesting old Turkish houses have been restored, and art galleries or attractive restaurants found new life as examples of traditional Turkish cuisine.

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