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28 Aralık 2012 Cuma

Altındağ İlçesi 1

Altındağ, Ankara'nın metropol ilçelerinden biridir. Ankara İli Merkez İlçesi 1983 yılında metropol ilçe haline gelmiş ve Altındağ adını almıştır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurulduğu ilk TBMM bu ilçededir.


İlçenin nüfusu 2010 genel nüfus sayımına göre 365.920'dir.
İlçe 120 mahalleden oluşmaktadır.
Yıllara göre ilçe nüfus verileri
Yıllar Merkez Köyler Toplam
2010 365.920 365.920
2009 367.340 367.340
2008 367.812 367.812
2007 367.471 3.264 370.735
2000 400.023 7.078 407.101
1997 374.697 5.515 380.212
1990 417.616 5.052 422.668
1985 397.234 397.234
1980 608.689 608.689
1975 512.392 512.392
1970 335.096 335.096
1965 218.464 218.464
1960 148.420 148.420

27 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Etimesgut İlçesi 4

İdari yapı 

Etimesgut Cumhuriyetin ilanını takiben 1924-1925 yıllarında Bulgaristan’dan gelen göçmen Türkler için Atatürk’ün emri ile 50 hanelik örnek bir köy olarak tahsis ve iskan edilmiş, 1928 yılında imar edilerek nahiye statüsüne dönüştürülmüştür.
1968 yılına kadar nahiye olarak kalmış, bu tarihten sonra Yenimahalle İlçesine bağlı mahalleye dönüştürülmüş olup, nihayet 20 Mayıs 1990 gün ve 20525 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayınlanan 3644 Sayılı Kanunla Etimesgut İlçe yapılmış, hemen ardından 19 Ağustos 1990 tarihinde yapılan Belediye Başkanlığı seçimi ile Belediye Teşkilatı kurulmuştur. 17.07.1990 tarihinde ilk Kaymakam ataması yapılarak, İlçe Mülki İdare teşkilat ve hizmeti tesis edilmiştir.
2009 Yerel Seçim Sonuçları 

2009 Yerel Seçimlerinde en yüksek oy alan ilk altı parti şu şekilde sıralanmıştır:
Yıl Nüfus
MHP %35.00
AKP %25.45
CHP %24.32
DSP %2.53
DYP %2.28
GP %1.49
Etimesgut 1990 yılında belediye olmuş ve 1990, 1994, 1999, 2004 ve 2009 belediye seçimleri yapılmıştır.
1990 Ramazan TOSUN ANAP
1994 Yalçın BEYAZ RP
1999 Enver DEMİREL MHP
2004 Serhat Kemal YILMAZ AKP
2009 Enver Demirel MHP
Gençlik ve spor [değiştir]

İlçede Gençlik ve Spor Müdürlüğü bünyesinde çeşitli spor faaliyetleri sürdürülmektedir. Başlıca faaliyetler, Gençler Arası Futbol Turnuvası, Kurumlar Arası Voleybol Turnuvası, Minikler Atletizm Turnuvası, Minikler, Yıldızlar, Gençler Arası Kaymakamlık Koşusu v.b. gibi sportif etkinlikler düzenlenmektedir.
Ancak gençlerin ihtiyacına cevap verebilecek yeterli düzeyde kapalı spor salonlarına, yüzme havuzlarına, açık semt sahalarına ve en az 50 bin kişilik bir stadyuma şiddetle ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.
Kültür ve turizm [değiştir]

Ankara metropolünün batı yakasında yer alan ilçemizde ilk yerleşim gecekondulaşma şeklindekendini göstermiştir. Kırsal alandan gelen nüfus hareketi ülkemizin genişçe bir coğrafi alanını kapsamaktadır.
Nüfusun büyükçe bir kısmını Erzurum, Kars, Çankırı, Yozgat, Çorum gibi illerimizden gelen vatandaşlarımız oluşturmaktadır. Bu demografik yapı içinde ilçemizin ilk çekirdeğini oluşturan gecekondu bölgesi Sosyal ve Kültürel yönden Anadolu insanımızın kesitini oluşturmaktadır.
Konuşulan dil, lehçe, dinsel inanç, örf ve adetleriyle farklı illerin oluşturduğu çok renklilik kendi içinde yeniden çeşitli kültürel alışverişlerle yeni sosyal-kültürel yapıya dönüşmektedir. Düğünlerde, sünnetlerde, ramazanlarda, cenazelerde, siyasette, dernek etkinliklerinde yardımlaşmalarda Anadolu âdetlerinin Anadolu davranışlarının ilçemizde yeniden filizlendiğini görürüz. İlçemizdeki kültürel ve sosyal yaşamda gecekondu bölgesinden farklı olarak ikinci bir yaşam alanı mevcuttur.
Başbakanlık Eryaman Toplu Konutları, Askeri Kampüsler Alanı, Elvankent, Güzelkent, Şeker Fabrikası Kampüsü ve TRT Kampüsü bir yaşam alanı oluşturmaktadır. Bu kampüslerimiz otelkent konumunda olup, gündüzleri büyük oranda boş, geceleri dolan yerleşim alanlarıdır.
Sakinlerinin işyeri daha çok ilçe merkezi dışındadır. Kampüsler kendi içinde kendine yeterli olarak tanzim edilmiş olduğundan, kampüs sakinlerinin ilçe geneliyle ilişkileri yok denecek seviyededir.
İlçe halkında dernekçilik, siyasi parti, spor klüpleri, düğün, cenaze gibi aktivite ve dinamizm daha çok gecekondu kesiminde mevcuttur. İlçemiz diğer bir yönüyle modern kentleşmede örnek yapılaşmalara sahne olmaktadır.
Sosyal durum 

İlçede yaşayanların çoğunluğunu memur, işçi ve küçük esnaf oluşturmaktadır. Yurdun her bölgesinden İlçemize yerleşen aileleri görmek mümkündür. İlçe Merkezi ve köyleri dahil sosyal yaşantı Türkiye standartlarındadır.
İlçe sakinlerinin kültürel etkinliklere katılmalarına imkân sağlayacak Sinema, Tiyatro, Kapalı Spor Salonu, Yüzme havuzu, düğün salonu, açık spor sahaları vs. gibi tesisler yeterince bulunmamaktadır. Ancak, Kooperatiflerin kurdukları sitelerin bu konularda özel çabaları olmaktadır.
İlçede konut sıkıntısı yoktur. Başbakanlık Toplu Konut İdaresi Başkanlığınca Eryaman semtinde tahsis edilen yerlere Etaplar halinde konut yapımları devam etmektedir. Ayrıca özel kooperatifler eliyle konut yapımı hızla sürdürülmektedir.
Altyapı durumu 

Etimesgut tarihi İpek Yolu üzerinde kurulmuştur. Bugün de Ankara - İstanbul demiryolu, Ankara - Ayaş ve Ankara İstanbul karayolu Etimesgut’tan geçmektedir. Ayrıca Ankara - Eskişehir karayolu ilçenin güney sınırını teşkil etmektedir. Ankara otobanı çevre yolunun büyük bir bölümü Etimesgut sınırları içerisindedir. Etimesgut’a karayolu ile aşağıdaki noktalardan girilir. Eskişehir yolu Zırhlı Birlikler kavşağından, İstanbul Yolu Şaşmaz Kavşağından, Ayaş Yolu Şeker Fabrikası önü ve çevre yolu bağlantı girişinden, Sincan yönünden ise iki ilçenin ortak istasyon caddesi girişinden yapılabilir. Otobüs ve dolmuş seferler Eskişehir Yolu ve İstanbul Yolu olmak üzere iki güzergâh üzerinden yapılır. Ayrıca Etimesgut’u doğu - batı yönünde bir baştan bir başa aşıp giden banliyö trenlerinin de Etimesgut ulaşımına önemli bir katkısı vardır. Şaşmaz oto sanayi sitesi, Askeri havaalanı, Türkkuşu tesisleri ve kara havacılık tesisleri de ilçe sınırları içerisindedir. Etimesgut’ta bir PTT müdürlüğü ve buna bağlı ilçenin muhtelif mahallelerinde PTT şubeleri, Elvankent’te Telekom’a ait büyük bir telefon santrali vardır..

Etimesgut İlçesi 3


Yıl Nüfus
1990 69.960
1997 112.659
2000 169.615
2005 274.126
2007 289.601
2008 313.770
2009 347.267
2010 386.879
2011 417.267
İlçe halkının %95’i okuma yazma bilmektedir. İlçede nüfus artışını birbirinden farklı iki süreç belirlemiştir. Bunlardan ilki 1950’li yıllarda başlayan köyden kente göç olgusudur. Kırsal alanda giderek artan mekanizasyon, mülkiyetin miras yoluyla küçülmesi, hane halkının kalabalık oluşu, tarımda piyasa ekonomisinin maliyetleri zorlaması gibi eş zamanlı nedenler, gizli işsizliği açığa çıkararak, kır alanında dışlanmayı zorlaması sonucu genç ve çalışabilir durumdaki işgücü, büyük kentlerde iş bulmak ve kurmak umuduyla “Gecekondu” olarak adlandırılan kent ve varoşlarına hızla yerleşerek kentliliğe ilk adımlarını atmışlardır.
Bugün Etimesgut’da Eryaman, Elvankent, Emirler, Güzelkent, Yapracık ve Elvan Mahallesi olarak adlandırılan toplu konut bölgeleri dışında kalan diğer semtlerimizde ki gecekondu yapılaşması hızla modern şehircilik anlayışına uygun olarak yapılaşmaktadır.
İlçede nüfus artışını belirleyen ikinci süreç ise; Ankara metropolünde yer alan Çankaya, Altındağ, Yenimahalle, Mamak, Keçiören gibi diğer ilçelerde mevcut imar planlarına göre imara açılabilecek sahaların sınırına gelinmiş olması ve arsa maliyetlerinin astronomik rakamlara ulaşması gibi nedenler, Toplu konut yapılaşma arayışlarında Etimesgut’u yüksek seviyede bir cazibe merkezi haline getirmiştir.
Çok daha ucuz fiyatlarla Arsa Ofisi tarafından sağlanan arsalar üzerinde, çok sayıdaki konut kooperatifleri ve Başbakanlık Toplu Konut İdaresi tarafından Altay, Elvan, Eryaman gibi mahallelerde büyük sayılarda konut yapılaşmasına gidilmiştir. Bu gelişme, Ankara içinden eski kiracı konumundaki aileleri Etimesgut’a çekerken, Ankara dışından da nüfus çeken sonuçlar yaratmıştır.
Önümüzdeki beş yıl içinde Etimesgut nüfusunun 400-450 bin civarında olacağı kuvvetle tahmin edilmekte ve bu noktaya gelindiğinde gecekondularda iskan eden nüfusun azalacağı ümit edilmektedir.
İlk genel nüfus Etimesgut’a bağlı (eskiden) iki köy bulunmakta (son yapılan değişiklikle köyler mahalle statüsüne geçmiştir).Bu köyler;
1- Bağlıca Mahallesi : Etimesgut’a uzaklığı 7 km olan Mah imar çalışmaları Bağlıca 1.Etap ve Bağlıca 2.Etap olarak yapılmış ve tamamlanmıştır. 2000 yılı genel nüfus sayımı sonuçlarına göre nüfusu 938’dir.
2- Yapracık Mahallesi : Etimesgut’a uzaklığı 18 km’dir. Köy içi planlaması yapılmakta olup, Köyün çevresinde kalan 2.800 hektarlık alan plansız olup, belediye mücavir alanı sınırları içerisindedir. 2000 yılı genel nüfus sayımı sonuçlarına göre nüfusu 740’tır.

Etimesgut İlçesi 2

Coğrafi yapısı 

Etimesgut ilçesi Ankara’nın batısında toplam 10.300 hektar yüzölçümüne sahip Ankara metropolünün merkez ilçelerinden biridir. Batısında Sincan, kuzey, güney ve doğusunda Yenimahalle ilçeleri ile komşudur.
Yeryüzü Şekilleri : Etimesgut ilçesi, Doğudan batıya doğru eğimi azalan çanak şeklinde bir oluk Vadi görünümdedir. Vadinin tabanına oturmuş Ankara çayına dik tepe aralarından uzanan yan vadilerle bütünleşen Ankara Ovası yer alır. İlçemizin ortalama yüksekliği ise 807 metredir.
Akarsuları : Etimesgut doğudan batıya %3 eğimi ile geçen Ankara Çayı, Çubuk, İncesu ve Hatip Çaylarının birleşmesiyle oluşmuştur.
Göller : İlçede doğal göl yoktur. Eryaman Mahallesinde killi bir yapı üzerinde, daha çok yağmur suları ile beslenen Susuz Göleti bulunur. Gölet çevresi tatil günlerinde Etimesgut halkının dinlenme yeridir.
İklim : Etimesgut’ta İç Anadolu karasal ikliminin genel özellikleri görülür. Yazları sıcak ve kurak kışları soğuk geçer. Yağış daha çok kış ve ilkbahar aylarında düşer. Yazın ve sonbaharda yağışlar iyice azalır. Yıllık yağış miktarı 367 milimetre kadardır. Kış aylarında don olayı görülür. Sıcaklık ocak ayında nadiren de olsa –15C’ye kadar düşer. En çok kar yağışı Ocak ayında olmaktadır. Gündüz ile gece, yaz ile kış mevsimleri arasındaki sıcaklık farkları önemli ölçüde büyüktür. İlçemizde ilkbahar ve yaz mevsimlerinde güneybatı, sonbahar mevsiminde güney-doğu, kışın ise daha çok kuzey rüzgarları etkilidir.
Bitki Örtüsü : İç Anadolu bölgesi genelde geniş bir step alanıdır. Yüksek dağlık alanlarla denizden ayrılmış olduğundan iklimi karasaldır. İklimin bu özelliği bitki örtüsünüde belirlemektedir. Ankara ve Etimesgut’ta da doğal bitki örtüsü bozkır (step)'dır. Yağışlı dönemlerde yeşillenen, kurak yaz döneminde sararıp kuruyan otlardır. Artemisia (Yavşan otu), Ocanthalimon (Çoban yastığı) bitki türleri oldukça yaygındır.
Toprak Özellikleri: İç Anadolu’nun gerçek step alanlarındaki en yaygın toprak türü Kahverengi Zonal topraklardır. Başlıca elemanı kalsiyum karbonatlı kil olan topraklar humusça fakirdir.

Etimesgut İlçesi 1

Etimesgut, Ankara'nın metropol ilçelerinden biridir.
Arkeolojik araştırmalar sonucunda bulunan eserlerden, beldemiz yerleşiminin M.Ö. 2000 yıllarına kadar indiği anlaşılmaktadır. Beldede bulunan “Frigya Aslanı” yöremizin ilk defa M.Ö.VII. yüzyılda Frigyalılar tarafından mesken olarak kurulduğunu gösteren önemli bir kanıt teşkil etmektedir.
İlçenin tarihi Ankara’ya yakınlığından dolayı “Ankara Tarihi” ile çok büyük ölçüde aynı özellikleri gösterir. Ankara ve çevresinin Lidya, Pers, Galat, Roma ve Bizans İmparatorluklarının toprakları içinde yer aldığı; Türk hakimiyetinin Malazgirt Zaferi’nden sonra gerçekleştiği, 1073’te Türklerin; 1308’de İlhanlıların; bir sürede Ertena valileri ve ahileri tarafından idare edildiği; 1402’den sonra Moğolların egemenliği altında kaldığı; 1833’te Mısır Valisi Mehmet Ali Paşa’nın bu yöreleri ele geçirdiği tarihi belgelerden anlaşılmaktadır. 1902 yılında Ankara 5 sancak ve 2l kazası olan bir merkez sancağı idi. Belde Zir (Yenikent) kazasına bağlı olarak kalmıştır. İlk çağlarda beldenin ismi “Amaksis”, “Etimesgut`a adını veren Ahi Mes`ud, Ahi Elvan gibi Türk büyüklerinden, Ahi Elvan Hazretlerinin Türbesi Elvanköy`de Elvanköy Cami avlusunda bulunmaktadır. (kaynak: T.C. Ankara Valiliği internet sitesi)” ve daha sonra da “Etimesgut” olarak değişikliğe uğramıştır.
Belde, 20 Mayıs 1990 gün ve 20525 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayınlanan 3644 Sayılı Kanunla ilçe yapılmış, hemen ardından 19 Ağustos 1990 tarihinde yapılan Belediye Başkanlığı seçimi ile Belediye Teşkilatı kurulmuştur.
Atatürk; Etimesgut’a özel bir ilgi göstermiştir. Zaman zaman Etimesgut’u ziyaret eder, at gezintileri sırasında halkla sohbet ederek, zirai mahsul hakkında bilgi almıştır. Halen Halk Sağlığı Laboratuarı olarak kullanılmakta olan bina içinde, kendisine tahsis edilmiş olan odada istirahat ve özel çalışmalarını sürdürmüştür.
Etimesgut Bucak iken Devlet Hastanesi, PTT, hamam, şadırvanlı çarşı ve sekiz memur lojmanı gibi hizmet birimleri Atatürk zamanında yaptırılmıştır.

25 Aralık 2012 Salı

Nallıhan İlçesi 1


Nallıhan, Ankara ilinin bir ilçesidir. Batı Karadeniz Bölümü'nde, başkent Ankara'ya 160 km uzaklıkta, tarihi İpek Yolu üzerinde bir ilçedir.
Nallıhan adını; yakınından geçen Nallı Suyu ve Osmanlı vezirlerinden Nasuh Paşa'nın yaptırdığı handan alır.
Nallıhan Kuş Cenneti, Hoşebe, Ilıca Şelalesi, Taptuk Emre, Bacım Sultan, Sarıyar Barajı, Çayırhan ve Çiller Köyü ilçenin önemli yerleridir. İpek iğne oyaları ile ünlüdür. Yaprak sarma, kapama pilavı, höşmelim ve bayram çörekleri yöresel yemeklerindendir.
Çayırhan ve Sarıyar adlı iki beldesi vardır.
İlçede pirinç ve üzüm başlıca geçim kaynaklarındandı. Mikroklima özelliğinden dolayı pirinç yetiştirilebilmekteydi. iklimsel değişimle birlikte zamanla patatese yönelinmiş ancak beklenen verim alınamayınca fasulye (özellikle yöre halkının tabiriyle eşşek baklası denilen iri taneli fasulye) ve domates ekimi yaygınlaşmıştır. son dönemlerde domates en reveçta tarım ürünüdür. Çiller köyünün domatesinin ve fasulyesinin kalitesi çok üst düzeydedir.
İlçenin nüfusu 2007 genel nüfus sayımına göre 31.768'dir. Bunun 12.895'si ilçe merkezinde, 18.873'ü ise kasaba ve köylerde yaşamaktadır.
İlçe bağlısı olarak merkez hariç olmak üzere ilçe merkezine bağlı; 2 belde, 56 köy ve 9 mahalleden oluşmaktadır.
Avcılık için uygun arazisi ve çeşitli av hayvanları bulunmaktadır.

Yıllara göre ilçe nüfus verileri
Yıllar Merkez Köyler Toplam
2009 12.698 18.961 31.659
2007 12.895 18.873 31.768
2000 17.181 23.496 40.677
1997 16.951 23.383 40.334
1990 11.638 25.141 36.779
1985 10.133
1980 9.571
1975 7.723
1970 7.554
1965 3.511
1960 3.509

Nallıhan ilçesinde kullanılan Türk şivesinin Batı Anadolu ağızları içindeki konumu Prof. Dr. Leyla Karahan'ın Anadolu Ağızlarının Sınıflandırılması (Türk Dil Kurumu yayınları: 630, Ankara 1996) adlı çalışmasına göre şöyledir:
3. Batı Anadolu ağızları
3.1.1. Afyonkarahisar, Eskişehir, Uşak, Nallıhan
3.1.2. Çanakkale, Balıkesir, Bursa, Bilecik
3.1.3. Aydın, Burdur, Denizli, Isparta, İzmir, Kütahya, Manisa, Muğla
3.1.4. Antalya
3.2. İzmit, Sakarya
3.3.1. Zonguldak, Devrek, Ereğli
3.3.2. Bartın, Çaycuma, Amasra
3.3.3. Bolu, Ovacık, Eskipazar, Karabük, Safranbolu, Ulus, Eflani, Kurucaşile
3.3.4. Kastamonu
3.4.1. Göynük, Mudurnu, Kıbrısçık, Seben
3.4.2. Kızılcahamam, Beypazarı, Çamlıdere, Güdül, Ayaş
3.4.3. Çankırı, İskilip, Kargı, Bayat, Osmancık, Tosya, Boyabat
3.5.1. Sinop, Alaçam
3.5.2. Samsun, Kavak, Çarşamba, Terme
3.5.3. Ordu, Giresun, Şalpazarı
3.6.1. Ladik, Havza, Amasya, Tokat, Erbaa, Niksar, Turhal, Reşadiye, Almus
3.6.2. Zile, Artova, Sivas, Yıldızeli, Hafik, Zara, Mesudiye
3.6.3. Şebinkarahisar, Alucra, Suşehri
3.6.4. Kangal, Divriği, Gürün, Malatya, Hekimhan, Arapkir
3.7.1. Akçadağ, Darende, Doğanşehir
3.7.2. Afşin, Elbistan, Göksun, Andırın, Adana, Hatay, Tarsus, Ereğli
3.7.3. Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep
3.7.4. Adıyaman, Halfeti, Birecik, Kilis
3.8. Ankara, Haymana, Bala, Şereflikoçhisar, Çubuk, Kırıkkale, Keskin, Kalecik, Kızılırmak, Çorum, Yozgat, Kırşehir, Nevşehir, Niğde, Kayseri, Şarkışla, Gemerek
3.9. Konya, Mersin

Akyurt İlçesi 1

Ankara'nın metropol ilçelerinden biridir.
Akyurt; İç Anadolu Bölgesi Ankara sınırları içerisinde geniş ve düzgün bir arazi üzerinde kurulu bir ilçedir. Eski ismi Ravlı idi. İlçenin kuzeyinde Çubuk İlçesi, doğusunda Kalecik batısında Pursaklar Güneybatısında Elmadağ ilçeleri bulunmaktadır. İlçe merkezi Çankırı, Kastamonu ve Sinop’u Ankaraya bağlayan Devlet karayolu üzerinde olup, Başkente uzaklığı 32km dir.
Yüzölçümü 258 km kare, denizden yüksekliği ise 960 metredir. İlçenin kuzeyinde kaleciğe bağlanan yol üzerinde ‘TEKEBELİ DAĞI’ 1250 m, Güneyinde ‘HÜSEYİN GAZİ’ tepesi 1415 metre doğusunda ise ‘idris dağı ‘1985 m bulunmaktadır.
14.yy sonuna kadar geniş ormanlık alanlara sahip olan Akyurt, yüzyıllar boyu yapılan kıyımlar neticesinde Ankara’nın da hamamlarının yakacak ihtiyaçlarının karşılaması neticesinde ağaçlık alanlarını büyük ölçüde yitirmişti. Buna mukabil son yıllarda belediyemiz, ilçemizdeki okullar ve okullardaki örgencilerin çabalarıyla ilçe merkezinde yeniden yeşillendirme ve ağaçlandırma çalışmalarına başlanmış bu amaçla bir de Hatıra Ormanı kurularak Ağaçlandırma çalışmaları ve ağaç sevgisi yaygınlaştırma çalışmaları sürmektedir.
İlçede Bölgede faaliyet gösteren 390 civarındaki sanayi kuruluşu ve ile yaklaşık 30 bin kişi istihdam edilmektedir. İlçe sınırları içerisinde Gazi Üniversitesi Akyurt yerleşkeside bulunmaktadır.

İlçenin nüfusu 2010 genel nüfus sayımına göre 26.006'dır. Bunun 25.353'ü ilçe merkezinde, 653'ü ise kasaba ve köylerde yaşamaktadır.
Yıllara göre ilçe nüfus verileri
Yıllar Merkez Nüfusu Köy Nüfusu Toplam Nüfus
2010 26.006 653 25.353
2009 25.401 660 24.741
2008 24.986 674 24.312
2007 22.639 715 23.354
2000 8.069 10.838 18.907
1997 6.099 10.239 16.338
1990 3.533 8.974 12.507
1985 3.201
1980 2.924
1975 2.461

24 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Introducing the capital of Ankara 6

Made several additions to the time of the Byzantines, it was transformed into the church by opening windows. Surrounded by four walls, surrounded by four-column form. Surrounding the length of the ten five, six pieces of cross-forty-two, in front of the temple's four-door, rear, there are two points of the column. Only two side wall and the edges of the embroidered part of the former state are standing in the door. Length: Roman Temple of Augustus, has managed to work in and with an inscription showing the testament was put into the wall of this temple, adjacent to the tomb.
Julianus Column: Revenue and the governor's office building is located between the edge of the pool. There is no inscription. The body is many people, the height of fifteen meters long. Column in the Emperor Julianus' s (Anno Domini 361)
Ankara Roman Theatre: Castle Street and is located between Spring Street. Found for the first time at the end of 1982, rescue excavations began on March 15 1983, the General Directorate of Museums. Anatolian Civilizations Museum Directorate has continued to the end of the excavation in 1986. The result after Christ II. century, dating from the beginning was a typical Roman theater ruins. Among them parados vaulted buildings, paved the orchestra, the audience seats (cavea), the stage room (scene) from the remaining foundation and walls as well as many statues and fragments were found.
Akköprü Asset District is on the front and the Ankara River, the oldest bridge in Ankara. In 1222 the Seljuk Ruler, I. Aladdin Keykubat built by the governor of Ankara Kızılbey time.
Monumental mounds AND ANKARA ANKARA
Beştepeler Tumulus: The first excavation of tumuli in the Mausoleum in 1926, made by Makridi. In 1945, Ataturk's Mausoleum in the area of ​​land during the correction had to be removed a couple of tumuli, two tumuli were opened and pottery along with many of the tools in here, the Phrygians were recovered. Experts in these tombs are contemporary tombs çıkarmışlardır Phrygian Gordion.
Yumurtatepe (Demetevler) Tumulus: Farm - located on the left side of the road Demetevler Demetevler intersection. 1986 and 1987 seasons of excavation was excavated by the Directorate of Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum. As a result of the excavations, the Old Bronze Age tumulus at the top of the small and round in a single structure, and terra cotta works were seized.
Ash Mound: Oyaca is within the boundaries of the town, about 50 highway, Ankara-Haymana km on the left separated on dye, discharge, after going to the right of the road 1.5 km from the path of the Work and Durupınar and 150 meters away. Külhöyük'te with a medium-sized mounds, excavations are headed by Directorate of Anatolian Civilizations.
Karaoglan: Karaoglan, 25 km from Ankara. on the highway to the south, and Ankara-Konya. All civilizations are a multiple of the mound from Kalkolitikten. Ankara has in Gölbaşı floors of the Hittite and Phrygian is one of the most important stations.
Some of the major mosques of the city, Wood Foot Mosque, Ahi Elvan Mosque, Mosque, Ahi Yakup, Aslanhane (Ahi Serafettin) Church, Almighty Ahmet Pasha Mosque, the Alaeddin Mosque, Çiçekçioğlu Mosque, Mosque Mast, Eskicioðlu Mosque, the Mosque of Hacettepe, Haci Arap Mosque Haci Bayram Mosque, Mosque Karacabey İbadullah Mosque, Kocatepe Mosque, Leaded Mosque, the Mosque of Tannery, Tacettin Mosque Mosque and the chain.
Ankara, the tomb of Ahi Serafettin, Azimi (Ismail Haji Asad Pasazade) Mausoleum, the tomb of Ahmed Pasha Almighty, Hacibayram Veli Mausoleum, Ismail Fazil Pasha Tomb, Tomb of Karacabey, Karyağdi Tomb, the Tomb of Kesikbaş, Yoruk Dede (Dogan Bey), is the tomb of .,

Catholic Church (St. Paul's Church):
Address: Ataturk Bulvari No: 118 - Kavaklıdere (Garden of the Italian Embassy)
Tel: 65 18 0312426
Service times:
Saturdays: (Summer), 19.00 (Winter) 18:00
Sundays: (Summer) 10:00 to 12:00 -19.00 (Winter) 18:00
Catholic Church (Church of St. Theresa):
Address: Street Lights Street Brothers. 15 - The Nation
Tel: 0312311 01 18
Service times: Sundays: 10.30 (Turkish)
Catholic Church (Church of Our Lady):
Address: Birlik Mah. 3. Cad. No. 35 Oyak, Cankaya (Beside the Vatican Embassy)
Tel: 35 23 0312495
Service times: Sundays: 09.45 (English) 11.00 (French)
Anglican Church (St. Nicolas Church):
Address: Martyr Ersan Cad. 46 - Cankaya (Inside the Embassy of Great Britain)
Tel: 0,312,468 62 30/32 85
Service times: Sundays: 10.00 (English)
Synagogue (Jewish Society):
Address: Saka Mah. Union Street. 8 - Samanpazari,
Tel: 0312. 311 62 00
Cengel Inn is located below the castle, and Atpazari Sefa Street Square. Inscription appears to have been made in 1522.
Leaded Han: Situated on the road leading to Ankara Castle in 1421, which was built by Fatih's vizier, Mahmut Pasha work, Inn built in the typical Ottoman city.
Mahmut Pasa Bazaar and leaded on the road to the castle is adjacent to the inn. 1421 - 1459 with the khan of the years was built by Grand Vizier Mahmut Pasha.
East - West direction from the large and uniform size and rectangular in the plan, the ten largest domed, covered bazaar, and a covered bazaar consists of two parts, with the shops which have taken place outside. Domed part of the exhibition hall of the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations is used today.
Sulu Han: Haci Dogan neighborhood is located between boaters Street and Sulu Inn Street. Chained by Zade Mehmet Emin Bey Cevvar 1685 Şeyhülislam on the mosque was built as a foundation which is claimed to Hasan Pasha Han Hana is also called wet. But the deed dated 1141, records indicate that Abdulkerimzade donated by Mehmet Emin.
Zağfiran (Saffron) Han: the EC market. Kayseri who is settled in Ankara was built by Haji Ibrahim Bin Haci Mehmet. According to the statutes of the organization was in 1512, should be made for those dates. Half of the inn property, mirroring the spirit of the aggregate is the foundation-i-sharif to read, is devoted to look at the fountain at the entrance Lutfi Han. A small mosque is located inside.
Old Turkish Bath: The old Turkish bath, is located across from the Gazi High School. Is a very bad hand, which was completely destroyed soyunmalığı baths, cold and heat, furnace, including the stands. As the architectural structure of the work and technique XV. It is estimated that century.
Karacabey Bath: Bath Karacabey on Talat Pasa Boulevard is on the 1444. Karacabey olunmuş constitutes the western part of Bath as a double bath adjacent to each other soyunmalıkları, the eastern part of the style of construction that shows the temperature and halvetleriyle batıdakilere different than the whole of the square gives rise to a large rectangle, converge.
Sengul Baths: Bitter Fountain Independence Neighborhood is in the street. Women and men, including some made in a double bath today, Independence Avenue on the men's portion of the Sengul Baths were previously belonged to women. Soyunmalıklarının built in two sections side by side with the technique and material, XIX. century is clear. 

Statue of Mimar Sinan: Language and History - in front of the Faculty of Geography. Real Estate and Credit Bank of Turkey in 1956, was built by the sculptor Anka'ya Hussein. The biggest architect Mimar Sinan (1409-1588) 's standing, unique clothing and marble statue.
The Statue of Security: Kizilay Confidence in the park. Made Ankara stone in 1935. Because it is a gift of the gendarme police and the Turkish Nation is also called the Statue of Security.
Mithat Pasa Memorial: Ulus, TC Building next to the General Directorate of Ziraat Bank. In 1966, TC By the Agricultural Bank in Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts faculty member Prof. Sculptor. Anka'ya Hussein built.
Ulus Republic Monument: Nation Square. Monument, the heroes of the War of Independence the Turkish nation 's in 1927, was erected as a gift.
Victory Monument: Yenişehir on Atatürk Boulevard, in front of Army House. Although Ataturk in uniform standing and leaning against his sword, a bronze sculpture.
Zubeyde Lady Bust: Ismet Pasa Girls' Institute building in front. Ataturk's mother, Mrs. Zubeyde's bust by the Center for Turkish Women's Union, including Turkish analarının the biggest gift was erected on March 31, 1964.
Altinpark: Altinpark, Irfan Bastug Aydınlıkevler'de Street, serves 640 thousand m2 area. Park in the International Exhibition Center, Science Center, Cultural Center, Indoor and Outdoor, Sports, Outdoor and Public Performance Amplifiers Side, Turkish, Italian and Chinese restaurants, Turk Street, and part of Peak hanından, pond and gardens, production greenhouses, Olympic Swimming Pool Mini Golf Course and Horse Backgammon presented to the public.
Advisory Tel: 0312317 96 70-317 96 96
Atakule: Atakule, makes a significant contribution to the presence of Ankara's modern appearance. The tower's peak altitude of 118.2 meters, 125 meters height. 115.6-meter multi-purpose cocktail lounge, audio-visual equipment suitable for use (for weddings, seminars, conferences and so on.) Has an area of ​​600 square meters. Laps an hour revolving restaurant 111.8 meters. Every day, 9:30 to 23:00 which is open to observation deck, 103.8 meters. 99.8 meters, the cafe - bar.
Advisory Tel: 77 01 0312440
Ataturk Forest Farm: Established by Ataturk, today's casinos, parks, picnic areas, a zoo, with a variety of products and the nature of the residents in the often visited by a tour and picnic place. City buses, taxis and commuter train is possible.
Advisory Tel: 0312212 02 3 l
Youth Park: Station - Opera is located between the buildings. Amusement park, tea gardens, cafes, theaters operating in the summer months, a large pond with paddle boats and water bike and walked in, a variety of restaurants and entertainment venues that demanded by the people is an important type of travel and entertainment center.
Bayindir Dam: 12 km away from Ankara, Samsun on the path. Natural beauty, casino, swimming pool and a camping area and the dam, the admiration of foreigners is a place that gathers a leisure and recreation. Transportation, buses and minibuses that are possible.
Cankaya backs: the Presidential Palace and is where the Atatürk Museum. Çankaya, which is relatively cool summer days, bakeries and tea houses in the large parking area is also available, such as a table seyredilebileceği the most beautiful place in Ankara.
Bar Dam: 12 kilometers away from Ankara. Casinos in the forested area around the dam, picnic areas, walking areas and there are tea houses. Which is conducive to tour by car and there are also city bus routes.
Golbasi: 25 kilometers southwest of Ankara on the Konya Highway, as well as the shores of Lake Mogan beach and the casinos have restaurants and cafes. Removes a piece of pine for the summer heat, albeit on a trip and picnic place. Shores of the lake is a swimming pool, suitable for boat trips. Transportation, provided by the municipal bus.
Other Recreational Areas: MTA Rose Garden, Kurtbogazi Araj, Sariyar Dam, Beynam Place of forest recreation, forest recreation ÇAMKORU Place, Trust - Karagol Place of forest recreation, forest recreation Hoşebe Place, Karagol Place of forest recreation, forest recreation Sorgun Location, Location Sogutozu forest recreation, forest recreation Tekkedağı Place, Uluhan forest recreation destination.
Soguksu National Park
Byzantine-era district of Ankara province Güdül caves are found.
Ankara Caves (Cave Tourism)
Important thermal springs in the province Kizilcahamam-Sey Bath Spa (link), drink and Spa Ayas, Ayas Karakaya Thermal Springs, Hot Springs and Mineral Beypazari-Dutlu-Tahtali, Kapullu Spa, Spa and the Haymana spa bar Malik Shah.
Ankara, Spas (Health Tourism)
Desert Lake Bird Area, Bird Areas of Lake Mogan, Kizilcahamam Forest Bird Area, Kavakli Mountain Bird Area, Bird Areas, and Sariyar Inozu Valley Dam Bird Areas are within the boundaries of the province of Ankara. Also Beynam Forest Bird Area and the Salt Lake Bird Area is located in Ankara.
Sakarya Basin
Red River Basin
Konya Closed Basin
Winter sports: 26 km from Ankara. Elmadag away Ski Center, Snow thickness of 30-40 cm 't find the opportunity to ski in the winter months is available. Elmadag Ski Center has been serving in the facilities. Also, one of the liberation Park in Ankara, Bahcelievler Sondurakta to the other two are ice skating rink.
Elmadag Ski Resort (Winter Sports)
Air Sports: Golbasi, air sports and one of the areas in Ankara.
The Paragliding Sites
Hunting: Ankara Province, contains a wide variety of prey animals. Chief among these, partridge, ruffed grouse, partridge, rabbits, wild ducks and wild geese come. Nallihan, Beypazari, Kizilcahamam, Çamlıdere, the bar and the forest areas of the districts Güdül bear, lynx, wild boar, deer are.
Line Fishing: The fishing is done within a limit of Ankara Province in rivers, lakes, dam lakes and fishing ponds to be divided into four groups.
River fishing, Red River, Sakarya rivers and their arms and made Kirmir Creek are. Lake fishing, Mogan Lake, Lake and Karagol Eymir 'also be done. Dam fishing lake, Ontario is located in the vicinity of various dams in the lakes.
Youth Camps: Ankara's various regions, the Ministry of Forestry, Forestry Camps will benefit young people there.
Youth Tourism
Ankara, as well as politically, in terms of cultural and artistic capital of the state of Turkey. State Theatre, private and amateur theaters, the State Opera and Ballet, the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, the State Painting and Sculpture Museum, a large number of picture gallery, amateur music groups, cultural centers, the capital of the activities that have benefited from.
More than half a century, the State Theatre of the Republic of Turkey, in Ankara, the most beautiful games exhibit not only the conscious and extremely sophisticated, trained as a theater audience. Republic of Turkey in Ankara, sprouted from the ballet of over 40 years. This branch of the arts, just as the audience in the theater created and developed together. Every year in October, which curtains, theater, opera and ballet scenes until the end of May and offers outstanding examples of domestic and foreign works. Presidential Symphony Orchestra concerts in Ankara and adds color to the cultural and artistic life.
Began in 1988, "Ankara International Film Festival", since 1984, the ongoing "Ankara International Arts Festival", the fundamental events in Ankara. In addition, the Ankara International Cartoon Festival, Ankara International Music Festival and the Asian - European Art Biennial, interesting artistic activities.
Ankara's cuisine makes up the largest part of the old house. On the one hand and the tandoor oven, on the one side there were cellars have been preserved for winter rations. Ankara food is quite varied. Soups, soup, dutmac, keskek, miyane, milk, sowing, and toyga soups, meat dishes, pans, Ankara, alabörtme, calla, shepherd kavuması, relationships, power, forest kebab, eggplant meat, sızgıç, siyel, fender, rice, Bici, bulgur pilaf, oğmaç vaccine-pat-pat rice, stuffed peppers; efelek stuffed ravioli, stuffed şirden (humbar), pseudo-filling, puff pastry-pies; sub-top pie, moon pie, pack, entekke pastry, raw materials, quantify, pastry, papaç Sunday, pastry, pastry and tandoori dishes are some of Yalkin.
Road: Ankara, Turkey has the ability to access each side of the bus.
Bus Station Tel: (+90-312) 224 10 00
Airline: Ankara Esenboga International Airport, 25 km from the city center. away. Transportation services are provided Havas.
Airport Tel: (+90-312) 398 00 00/1517 - 398 05 50 -398 00 00/1649
Railway: Ankara-Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, Ankara, Balikesir, Ankara, Isparta, Burdur, Ankara-Zonguldak, Ankara and Adana, Ankara-Elazig-Diyarbakir train transport routes are available.
Railway Station Tel: (+90-312) 311 49 94-310 65 15
Shopping centers in Ankara, the nation, the Red Crescent and is concentrated in Kavaklıdere. Those who enjoyed poking a place to visit Ankara, near Ulus Çıkrıkçılar Slope and shops here.
Nation around the castle, parts of Ascent Çıkrıkçılar Samanpazari and weaving, copper, pottery, wicker, leather and traditional handicraft products, a variety of jewelry, ornaments, gift products, and there are shops selling antiques of all kinds.
Coppersmith Bazaar, a lot of old and new goods, copper and jewelry, as well as clothing can be found in antiques and decorative items. Walking in the door of the castle at the end of spices, dried fruits, nuts and many other products sold over the counters is reached.
Modern shopping areas, usually at Kizilay, Tunali Hilmi Street and is located in Cankaya Atakule. 125 m height of the whole city is dominated by the Atakule; returns reveals the image of the entire city restaurant. Kavaklıdere Karum shopping center is located in the most prestigious stores. In addition, food and beverage, entertainment, shopping facilities outside the recreation possibilities.

Introducing the capital of Ankara 5

Ankara, Kirsehir and Kirikkale in the east, west, Eskisehir, north, Çankırı, Bolu, in the northwest and south and is surrounded by the provinces of Konya and Aksaray.
Ankara, Sakarya rivers in Central Anatolia, in the northwest of the Red River and its tributaries is an area covered plains formed. Steppe and steppe areas of rain forests in this region can be seen together.
River lengths in the rows in the spindle, willow and poplar trees, is located in the steppe. With isolated mountains rising above the plateau surrounding Ankara is the northern mountainous area of ​​forest cover due to increased rainfall begin to announce themselves.
Obvious features of climate in the south of Central Anatolian steppe climate in the north can be seen in the states of the Black Sea climate is temperate and rainy. Land climate, dominated by low winter temperatures in this region, the summer is hot.
In the heart of Central Anatolia, Ankara, capital of the State of Turkey, the newly formed government of the republic's bid to host the new position was awarded by the republic's founder Ataturk.
Hatti Civilization in Ankara and its surroundings date back to the Bronze age. The state of the second millennium before Christ, the ruler of the Hittites came to the region and turn them with the Phrygians, Lydians and Persians followed. In the third century before Christ, a Celtic race, and the Galatians made Ankara its capital.
The name of the province at the time, "Ankyra" is. Used for the first time in the capital Ankara to the Galatians. Known to have a small city with Hittite period, no trace was found of this period in this region. Respectively, after the age of the Phrygian city of Persia, Alexander the Great, lived in the Galatian periods. BC Kingdom of Galatia in the city of the Roman Emperor Augustus in 25 attributed with.
VII. and VIII. With the rise of Islam and the Arab city of Persia centuries exposed to currents change hands several times between kalmıştır.871-893. 1127'de city enters the final as the Turkish domination and the name "Engüriye" is. Yildirim Bayazid and the Battle of Ankara in 1402, Tamerlane will remain under the rule of the Mongol city a short period of time. However, for certain 1414'de into the Ottoman domination.
Chosen as a base during the war of Independence in 1920, the center of Ankara and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923 by the geographic, strategic, political, and the War of Independence will be declared the capital of the central features of the base. In those days, brought from Europe, the architects of the city of Ankara, laid the foundations for the modern day. 

Founder of the Republic of Turkey, the creator of the revolutions, military hero, the great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's Mausoleum where eternal istirahatgâhının, Rasattepe 'was built in.
Prof. Architects. Emin Onat and Assistant Professor. Orhan Arda. In 1944, the construction of the monument, completed in 1953. Assign the same year, his temporary grave in the Ethnographic Museum was transferred here with a great ceremony.
Units in the complex of the Mausoleum, Independence Tower, Freedom Tower, Lion Road, Tower Defense Law, soldier Tower, the Victory Tower, the Tower of Peace, April 23 Tower, the Tower of the National Pact, the Revolution's Tower, the Victory Reliefs, Mausoleum - Holüdür Honor.
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
Address: Hisar Cad. Ulus - Ankara
Tel: (312) 324 31 60
Fax: (312) 311 28 39
Ethnographic Museum
Address: Talatpasa Avenue Opera - Ankara
Tel: (312) 311 95 56
Ankara Atatürk House
Ankara University Faculty of Education, "Toy Museum"
Ataturk Museum Villa Forum
Beypazari Culture and History Museum
Der Training-Special Education Museum
Gordion Museum
Mehmet Akif Ersoy House
MTA Natural History Museum
METU Museum of Archaeology and
Child Protection Agency, the Museum of Turkey
TRT and the National Liberation Museum Exhibition
100. Year, the Museum of Technical Education for Girls
Gazi University Faculty of Vocational Education
TC Agricultural Bank Museum
War of Independence and Republic Museum
Address: Cumhuriyet Cad. Ulus - Ankara
Tel: (312) 311 04 73
Gordian - Polatli / Yassıhöyük: the capital of the Kingdom of Phrygia, the ruins of the famous city of Gordion, near Ankara-Eskisehir highway, Sakarya (Sangarios) and Badger rivers converge approaching the place, Polatli 21 km. northwest, 90 km from Ankara. away, Yassıhöyük village.
Gordian's BC 3000 discouraged (Bronze Age) are based on up. Assyria, the Hittites (1950 BC - BC 1180), and the Phrygian (BC 900-M.Ö.620) was the major settlement. Empire was the capital of Phrygia. Gordion's (the founder of the Phrygian capital city) was the name of the king. The famous knot tied by King Gordion, BC by Alexander the Great Spent the winter at Gordion in 333 cut off. Gordion, the period after Alexander the Great (300-100 BC) started, after the Roman period (ca. 1 - MS4. Yy.), And the Seljuk (MS11.-13. Yy .) period lasted.
Roman Bath - Ankara / Center: Ulus Square and Yildirim Bayazit Square Çankırı Street stretching, up to a height of 2.5 meters from the street is located on a platform. Where the bath is known that the high platform mound.
Hammam, Caracalla (AD 212-217), dated to the transfer. Baths of Caracalla on Çankırı Street entrance, a portico with columns, surrounded by the remains of a large area, a wrestling area that opens palaestraya. This whole side of the portico of the courtyard to one side of the 32 columns are 128 marble columns. Hammam is located just behind the buildings paleastra part. These structures are a rare size, as always, apodyterium (part of the dressing), Frigidarium (cold part), Tepidarium (warm section) and Caldarium (hot section) consists of sections. 

Gavurkale Ruins - Ankara / Haymana: 60 kilometers southwest of Ankara. Babayakup River flowing beside the base of the hill is 60 meters high, long-lasting has been the scene of a settlement. Due to the hill where the old ruined walls are Gavurkale name.
Gavurkale, south-facing side of a hill located on the steep rocks, one after the other two gods walking, sitting against them and a relief of a goddess with the walls of the huge blocks surrounding this rocky outcrop has attracted attention. Hittite rock reliefs-specific works in question are similar to those found in different parts of Anatolia not only one of the monuments.
As a result of various investigations in this area proved to be an important center surrounded by city walls. Previously only known as a place of worship of the Hittites Gavurkale 'is also important in the understanding of the Phrygian settlement, it was visited in 1930 by Ataturk himself during trials. In later years various surveys conducted around the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in 1998, headed by Gavurkale'de started the excavation work.
Darks Village Ruins - Ankara / Kazan
The Wreck of Karahöyük - Hacıtuğrul Village
Ethnographic Museum
Ogust Temple - Ankara / Altindag
Ahlatlibel: Ahlatlibel, 14 kilometers southwest of Ankara, Taspinar Village - Gavurkale-old is on the way Haymana. This station is very close to Ankara, the Anatolian Early Bronze Age settlement is an important unit of flat.
Completion: Completion of Ankara, 42 kilometers northwest of the mound. BC, from top to bottom V. century, beginning with the settlement of a classical old Bronze Age settlement of the place was thick. Wan 'Teki Early Bronze Age remains the region's eastern and western Anatolia and the documents of interest.
Etiyokuşu: 5 kilometers north of Ankara, Bar River shore. The excavation, Prof.. By Sevket Aziz Kansu in 1937 were made on behalf of the Turkish Historical Society. Types of the Old Stone Age tools were found on the bottom floor. Its culture is similar to that at the Early Bronze Age culture Ahlatlibel. At the top of various periods found in the ruins of a great palace.
Temple of Augustus: Haci Bayram Mosque in Ulus, is adjacent. BC II. century, over time, the temple was destroyed in the name of the Phrygian Goddess Men. Today, the ruins of the temple, which is the last ruler of the Galatian Amintos'un by his son King Pylamenes sign of commitment on behalf of the Roman Emperor Augustus, was built to be.

Introducing the capital of Ankara 4

Rod: Rod, 39 km away from Ankara city center. Aktepe 'in the ruins of a castle and the ruins of the Hittite The rock tombs hewn into the village of Karadana.
Rod II. Dam in the drainage area of ​​forests and woodlands in the area and Karagöl important places of recreation.
Elmadag: 41 km from the city center. away. Dating back to the root of the Seljuk carpets, hand woven rugs, saddle bags and brought to the present cultural richness.
Etimesgut: Etimesgut town 20 km from the city center of Ankara. dir. Istanbul Atatürk Gazi Train Station and the historic train station building features a rally, uğurlandığı Etimesgut striking. Mas'ud that the name of Etimesgut'a Ahi, Ahi Elvan elders such as the Turks, the tomb of Ahi Elvan Elvankoy Grace 'is located in the courtyard of the mosque Elvankoy.
The Universe: 178 km from the city center. away. Seen around the mound and the church, castle ruins show that settlement of this region long before Islam. Sarıyahşi within the boundaries of the district on the way the universe-the universe to 2 km. A thousand years away from the mound, the remains of pottery were found. Discussion Starling Castle in the village, 2 km southwest belongs to the late Byzantine and Ottoman period.
Golbasi: 20 Km to Ankara. Golbasi and the around the promenade away from Ankara, countryside, tourism and industrial zone state. Mogan and Eymir lakes, natural beauty, clean air and the fish in a tourist district with the production of valuable.
District boundaries, Slim, pilgrims, and between villages Tulumtaş Karayatak Tulumtaş Cave Hill in the outskirts spectacular stalactites, stalagmites and columns are.
Haymana: 73 km away from the city center. which is world famous for its hot springs Haymana. Date of spas date back to the Hittites. After the Romans during the reign of the Hittites and re-repaired spa facilities, spa, 1-1.5 miles east of also establishing a city still in ruins, this area was transformed into a water treatment center.
Goalkeepers: 71 km from the city center. Kalecik and BC for the first time away from the surrounding The early Chalcolithic Period between 3500-4000 is estimated to be accommodated. Hasbey, House, Tannery Mosques, Kazancibaba, Alisoglu Tomb and the Red River Bridge on the Develioglu Kalecik Castle and the major historical works.
Kazan: Kazan 'length of 45 km from the center of the city. dir. The exact date of establishment of the district is not known. As a result of excavations in the historical work of the many, many different civilizations, towns and villages of the time show that settlement.
Kecioren: Kazan town 3 km away from Ankara city center. dir. Is one of Ankara's central districts. War of Independence was prepared and used as headquarters of Mustafa Kemal in Ankara today as a museum Kecioren within the boundaries of the old School of Agriculture.
Kizilcahamam: 83 km from the city center. Ankara, which has the most extensive forest cover away from the settlement Kizilcahamam. 16 km away, which is rich in mineral water Kızılcahamam'a Well Bath Spa are among the country's major spas.
Mamak: Mamak district 7 kilometers distance from center city. dir. Cultural services in the district to fulfill the current Municipal Building is located at the Conservatory where the Presidential Building. In addition, 75 Year of the Republic Amphitheatre, cultural assets, operating assets, as sayılabilir.Tabiat Hatip River, Bayindir Dam and the 4 major places of recreation.
Nallihan: Nallıhan'ın 161 km away from the city center. 1599 Queen Nasuhpaşa dir.İlçe center of an inn here, has formed yaptırmasıyla, took the name of the Han. Currently, the roof of the ruined mosques and baths were made with the Han. In the district, Uluhan (The Insider) in the village 17 Uluhan century mosque which was built in the other important work.
Polatli: Polatli town 78 km away from the city center. dir. Today Polatli 20 m. the northern part of the village and the surrounding area Yassıhöyük be considered the beginning of a real date. In this environment, and the remains of 86 royal tombs found at the site and the town center and the city are the remains of the tumulus.
Şereflikoçhisar: 148 km from the city center. away. In the district, which is Turkey's second largest lake is Lake Tuz. Hirfanli Dam Lake is located north of the fishing. Salt Lake, Leaded Mosque, Koçhisar Gökdağ Castle and Castle, the county creates a wealth of historical and tourist attractions.
Yenimahalle: 5 km away from the city center Yenimahalle. dir. Emphasizing the history of the artifacts contained in the City Centre Yenimahalle Seljuk ruler Alaeddin Keykubat in 1222, built on the old Baghdad Akkopru Tea Trade route passes include Ankara. History of the bridge and still keep the property, 4 large, 3 small to be composed of seven arches.

Introducing the capital of Ankara 3

Districts of Ankara, Turkey; Altindag, Cankaya, Etimesgut, GOP, Mamak, Xinjiang, Yenimahalle, Akyurt, Ayas, Bala, Beypazari, Çamlıdere, Rod, Elmadag, The Universe, Golbasi, Güdül Haymana, Kalecik, Kazan, Kizilcahamam, Nallihan, Polatli and Şereflikoçhisar is.
Akyurt: 33 km from the city center. away. Balıkhisar connected to the village of the district and 1 km away, BC Has been settled since the middle of 3000 years, the Old Bronze Age and the post was a big mound.
Altindag: 1 km from the city center. away, the Seljuks, Ottomans and the older civilizations of the county, including the Ankara Castle, Augustus Temple, Julianus Column, the Roman Baths, the Republic memorial, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, State Art and Sculpture Museum, Ethnography Museum, the Museum of the War of Independence and Republic Museum. In addition, Karacabey, Ahi Serafettin, Haci Bayram Veli Efendi, Karyağdi, Gulbaba and Tombs Izzettin Father and Haci Bayram, Aslanhane, Ahi Elvan, Aladdin, Chain and Lead mosques within the boundaries of the district.
Ayas: 58 km from the city center. Ayas from County is famous for its hot springs. King Spa and 23 km. içmelerinin Ayas the waters west of the mineral and radyoaktifli health is an important source of wealth. Karadere Connect, Plain Ties, Arıklar Ties, Ties Kirazdibi other natural assets of the district.
Bala: Bala district of Ankara, situated on the southern borders, 35 km from the county town of Balâ Beynam Forests, as well as the major recreation areas in Ankara. This is usually covered with pine forests. 

Beypazari: Ankara, 99 km. history dates back to the Hittites and the Phrygians Beypazari within. Beypazarı as a bishop center, historical artifacts and maps of the name was changed Anastasiopolis Lagania previously understood.
Beypazari, historic houses, works in silver and is a pretty town famous for its carrots. Vault cutthroat, Suluhan, the old baths, Sultan Alaeddin Mosque, the Mosque Akşemseddin, Leaded Mosque, the Rustem Pasa Baths, Gündüzalp Gazi Tomb (Hırkatepe), the Tomb of David Kelly (Kuyumcutekke), the tomb of Ahmed Khan, the district is within the boundaries of historical places worth seeing.
10 km from the district. away from the Tekke Plateau, 44 km from the town of Karaşar Eğriova Plateau and the Lake, near the village of Dereli district structures resembling fairy chimneys, places of interest.
Çamlıdere: the distance from the city center of Ankara, 108 km to the northwest of the town of Çamlıdere. dir. There is a mosque belonging to the Seljuk period in the district town of Pecenek. In addition, also come across the ruins of the Byzantine period and location of the grave.
Cankaya: Çankaya District, 9 km from the city center. away. The Cankaya district of Ankara's central districts, the district gets into a lot near the center of the province. Ataturk Forest Farm, Lake Eymir, Elmadag Skiing Facilities, Sports and Entertainment Centre Ahlatlibel within the borders of the district.
Ataturk's Mausoleum, Atatürk Museum, the Ataturk Monument (Victory Monument-Medic), MTA General Directorate of the Natural History Museum, the Security Memorial, the Ethnographic Ataturk Memorial, the Museum of Natural History, Middle East Technical University Archaeological Museum, the State Painting and Sculpture Exhibition Hall, Monument Park, the Botanical Garden, Abdi Ipekci Park, Guven Park, Kurtulus Park, Kugulu Park, Independence National Park, Ahmet Arif Park, 100 Year Indoor Swimming Pool, Municipal Ice Skating Course, such as sports fields, a Toy Museum (Cebeci-Ankara University Faculty of Education), the Hittite Memorial, Atakule, Parliament's main tourist areas in the county.

Introducing the capital of Ankara 2

Gate, which has been beautifully restored fort near the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations Bedestendeki Paleolithic, Neolithic periods and the Hatti, Hittite, Phrygian, Urartu and Roman civilizations are priceless artifacts belonging.
13 out of the castle Mosque and the 14th-century Arslanhane century Ahi Elvan Mosque are worth to look. The legacy of Roman A.D. third-century baths, the fourth-century Corinthian Column of Julian, and the second-century style, built around the castle so close to Ulus Square Temple of Augustus. Emperor Augustus' political orders "from the inscription, which is one and that his achievements in detail, the Temple of Augustus in Ankara duvarlarıdır.
Close to the castle, a Roman theater and the same region, 15 Haci Bayram Mosque and the tomb is located in the century.
Seljuk wooden door carving masterpieces and other daily-use vehicles on display right next to the Museum of Ethnography in the fine arts of Painting and Sculpture Museum of Turkish contains sections. The Kocatepe Mosque in Ankara's largest mosque was built between 1976 and 1987 with the architecture of the Ottoman.
Ankara, famous ballet, theater, opera and folk dance with the regulations, is witnessing a vibrant artistic and cultural life. City, especially the number of listeners that does not at all with the famous Philharmonic Orchestra. 
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